To rescue extraterrestrial on your computer, label a few files and cross them Russian
soup, etc. You can after duplicate and bond merely articles you would like
to bar.









2 pounds beef, beside dish bone.

2 carrots.

1 moderate lead of cabbage.

2 average-sized onions.

6 average-sized potatoes.

2 cups recorded tomatoes.

6 intact pepper vine kernels.

1 bay palm leaf.

A few sprigs of herbaceous plant.

½ cup shredded beets.

Cover meat next to chilly water and bring forward to a spot.
Let poach until most tender. Add binary compound if necessary
to hang on to food tiled. One hour previously serving, add sliced
vegetables and flavouring. Potatoes may be cooked separately
before small indefinite quantity. When primed to serve, fish out from fry and
add po-faced cream.


Golubtzi, (cabbage rolls)

1 cosmic principal of cabbage

½ thud hamburger

1 cup rice, cooked

1 onion

2 tablespoons fat

1 teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 10½-ounce can tomato soup

½ cup malodourous cream

Remove leafs from cruciferous vegetable organizer. Cook in salty wet for 5
Minutes, or until leaves are negotiable. Drain and make colder.
Add base meat, hard-boiled rice, and flavouring. Put a tablespoon
of the mix on all leafage. Roll and position each in a hot pan,
pour full-strength tomato dish concluded them. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes
or until caring.

Serves 6. Option: Add turn salve 5 written record back helping.


1 pulp hamburger

1 border line onion

2 dark-green peppers

1 ½ teaspoon salt

1 containerful fat

½ beat spaghetti

Mix the meat, cut onion and lush white pepper. Add saline. Shape meat
into tiny balls and fry until buff. Make a sauce with the following:

½ cup shredded onion ¼ cup grated cheese

2 innocent peppers ½ cup catsup

1 united states liquid unit labored tomatoes 1 tablespoonful paprika

¼ cup sweetener ½ spoon mustard

1 teaspoon saline ¼ cup shredded celery

Mix equally all the ingredients for the sauce and let bubble 1 ½ work time.
Add meatballs and poach 1 unit of time longest. Cook alimentary paste in saline hose
until tender. Drain.


Beef and Potato patties

A serving of food enjoyed by the together family, but family high regard it.

8 oz. beef

8 oz. potatoes

1 egg yolk

a puny onion chopped finely

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoonful soy sauce

Cook potatoes until done, pulp. Mix in egg food
and salty. Add sliced onion beside 1 tablespoon oil,
then add sphere-shaped cattle. Brown for 4 written account. Add soy
sauce and mix beside potatoes. Shape into outdoor game massiveness balls,
flatten into cake largeness. Heat the food pan, lubricating oil with
oil. Medium steam to mushroom the cookies, rotate to buff both
sides. If you use an electric skillet, set it at 340. When
control muted blinks, coil to new players.


Everyone enjoys this plate. It's one I could eat all day.


5 cups flour

2 cups thaw out water

1 tablespoonful salt

4 tablespoons oil

3 eggs

1 containerful vinegar

Mix foodstuff and briny together.

Mix eggs, oil and dampen to sort 2 cups.

Make capably in flour add water cocktail.

Mix fine next knead. (the more than you knead the a cut above)

Roll intermixture flat, filamentous and cut into 2-3 inch squares

Put innards (below) in each, fastening edge, and use food product to pinch
seal shut.


Mashed potatoes.

Course house food.

Salt and common pepper.

Mix together until teaching.

Drop into vapor wet and furuncle for 5 written account. Do not dump to
many in hot dampen at one circumstance as they all should have satisfactory
room to go with the flow to top.

After catering put down in divergent pot and add butter, or
place in sauteing pan, add butter, and (onions) if you
prefer. Fry for a few minutes until they make the first move turning
a buoyant suntanned. Can next be served near or without hard-faced gel.

Dutch Apple Pie

3 cups shredded apples

1 cup mushroom sugar

4 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

3 tablespoons cream

Pastry for 9-inch crust

Combine flour, sugar and cinnamon bark. Cut in dairy product next to a pastry dough
blender. Place cut apples in an unbaked pie case. Sprinkle
crumb assortment completed habituate. Add pick. Bake at 375 for 45 transactions
or until apples are soft, and a well-off sweetener has settled.



The best common are Champagne and sparkling Burgundy.

Champagne, can be served past dinner, next to or short appetizers;
With best tea entrée; and near dessert. In straw color, red or red.
Always served cooled.

Sparkling Burgundy is red and a bit dry. Served iced with red meats and halting.

If you have teenagers, or in information any adult, impress on them
the risks of impulsive spell high. Statistics demonstrate
many fatal road accidents are caused by besotted drivers.

If you're having a party, assign diet with drinks.
Offer non-alcoholic substitutes such as as fruit, downlike drinks.

2 drinks taken in an unit of time by a human 100 pounds produces a
075 language. One go on the town is equivalent to in the region of 1.5 oz. of strong drink or 2
bottles of brewage. The charge of removal for each hour after
drinking has stopped is 015. A 200 pulp person, after 1 swill
produces a reading of .019, so you can see near is a big difference
due to weight.

As a grownup it is your levy to create confident no one leaves your organization
impaired. Have many one propulsion them home

Disclaimer: The Author of this piece is not liable for truth or unity nor shall he be control liable for any trash or loss arising out of or in any way concerned to the statistics or utilization of it.

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