Change and learning are highly correlated. Think about it:

We learn at school and we change. This is a gradual change. The process of learning makes that we open up and see new possibilities we previously not imagined. We continue to learn at high school or university and there we change even more. The knowledge that we have gathered becomes a powerful source with which we can select what we want.

And when we start to work we learn even more. During this process we grow older and we also acknowledge certain limitations of our physical and mental powers.
The process of learning and change continuously interact with each other. In order to change we need to learn a new way of organizing or a new way of doing things and at the same time we have to learn that the old way is no longer suitable.

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The younger you are the easier it is to change. This is why management is often eager to hire relative young employees, because they do not have the burden of years of experience. The continuous investment in education and learning changes you but at the same time it makes you more "rigid". What you have learned has been valuable and will make you proud.

Think of two professors at a university. The first supports the scientific management approach of change whereas the other is specialized in the field of Organizational Learning, Like Peter Senge. Each with their own vision on change management. Do you think that these will ever change their views or paradigm$%: Equally, a Human Resource Management change approach will not fit with the ideas of social and political power behind change. Leaders of either view will meet but never change from one paradigm to another.

And so it is with learning and change in business or on a personal level. The more we have learned the less we are able to change and to leave behind that precious treasure of knowledge that we have acquired.

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So, if you are forced to change or you want to change, first think about your background. How much do I value what I have done and more important: am I willing to give up this expertise in order to learn some new trick which I will not master for a long time$%:

That is the dilemma with change. It is easy when you start from a Greenfield, but becomes hard when you have worked and invested so much and a simple new trend or fad just deflates it all.

Now, how does this affect you and what should you do$%: As a first step: just think about all this. When dealing with change think about your background and whether it fits the situation you are in.

:%$copy; 2007 Hans Bool


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